Complete data acquisition and spatial database building solutions for major sectors, namely:

Water Resources

  • Watershed management projects
  • Planning for water supply projects – Rural and Urban water supply schemes
  • Preparation of agricultural action plans for watershed projects
  • Geotechnical investigations

Electrical Utilities

  • Transmission Lines planning and routing using Modern Survey Techniques
  • Preliminary Survey for suggesting alternative routes, Detailed survey of the approved alignments, Tower spotting and schedules, Preparation of PTCC documents
  • Distribution system mapping upto Consumer indexing
  • GPR survey for underground assets mapping 

Water Utilities

  • Transmission Mains
  • Distribution network
  • Consumer indexing
  • GPR survey for underground assets mapping 

Telecom Utilities

  • Landbase Creation
  • Mapping of OFC Routes
  • DP level connectivity mapping
  • Consumer indexing
  • GPR survey for underground assets mapping 

Cadastral Mapping

  • Rectification of cadastral maps
  • Fine tuning of boundaries to conform to features on the images
  • Formatting of land records and attaching as associated databases


  • Alignment planning
  • Acquisition plan preparation
  • Levelling and quantity estimation and Preparation of DPRs (Detailed Project Report)

Aerodrome Obstacles Survey - Type A Charts as per ICAO guidelines

  • Topographic survey of Aerodromes using DGPS and Total Stations
  • Topographic Survey of the areas coming in the flight paths
  • Measuring of obstacle heights in the area of influence
  • Output preparation as per ICAO guidelines

Irrigation Projects

  • Mapping of command areas
  • Alignment of canals
  • FRL tracing
  • Estimation of cut and fill quantities

Railways and Metro Rail Projects

  • Detailed tipographic survey using DGPS and Total Stations for Preparing Land Acquisition Plans along RoW
  • Preparation of Land Plans for Railway corridors
  • Digitisation of legacy Land Plans of Railways

SEZ projects / Urban planning

  • Preparation of cadastral level plans for acquisition
  • Land value database preparation
  • Government land and wasteland identification
  • Collection of relevant land record information
  • Georeferenced database preparation for implementation on ground


  • Tanks
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Forest Cover mapping
  • Landuse / landcover mapping
  • Hydrogeomorphology mapping
  • Lineament mapping

Detailed Mapping-Specific Services

DGPS (Differential Global Positioning Systems) based services

  • DGPS based observations for establishment of benchmarks
  • Establishment of Ground Control Points (GCPs) for satellite image rectification
  • DGPS based observations for Digital Elevation Model generation from stereo pairs
  • Asset mapping of Electrical Water and Telecom utilities.

MSL (Means Sea Level) Surveys for establishing ground levels w.r.t. MSL

Total Stations and levelling services

  • Large scale mapping using Total Station equipment
  • Carrying and connecting benchmarks with respect to mean sea level
  • Setting out of boundaries/ transfer of plans onto ground from planning systems
  • Corridor mapping for Electricity Transmission, water, gas and telecom utilities.

LiDAR, Satellite Imagery and Photogrammetry

  • Registration, Rectification and processing of LiDAR data
  • Digital / manual interpretation, Merged product creation
  • Digital Terrain Modeling / Digital Elevation Modeling
  • Conversant in handling the following satellite data products

Quickbird, IKONOS, Worldview, Cartosat, LISIII. LISIV and PAN, Landsat, SPOT etc.

Web based GIS database creation and Android based data collection solutions

  • Open source based GIS database creation
  • Development of Android based applications for data collection on Tabs and Cell phones

Projects Executed